&Beyond 인턴 모집

2016.07.27 15:31

[레벨:390]24대회장_이준헌 조회 수:1505






&Beyond에서 아래와 같이 Intern 채용합니다.


&Beyond B2C 산업에서 유망한 사업기회를 발굴 투자하는 회사입니다. 회사의 senior 팀은 모두 글로벌 top-tier professional firm (Bain, Google, Unison Capital(PEF), etc.) 에서 오랜 기간 career 쌓은 역량이 뛰어난 인력으로 구성이 되어 있습니다.


&Beyond 2013 설립된 회사로 young company 이지만, 이미 여러 분야에 투자가 집행되었고, 최근 더욱 활발한 사업기회의 발굴과 투자를 추진 중입니다.


&Beyond internship 통해 차별화된 기회를 가질 있다고 확신합니다.


먼저, ‘진정한 mentor 만날 있는 기회입니다.


&Beyond에서는 top-tier professional firm 출신의 시니어와 1-on-1 pair-up 되어 업무를 진행하게 됩니다. 과정에서 business skill 물론, 향후 career 대해 고민을 나누고 조언을 있는 mentor 만나실 있습니다. 컨설팅, 투자은행, 사모펀드 professional career 고민 중인 분에게는 다른 어떤 기회보다 차별화되는high quality relationship 가질 있는 기회가 것입니다.


둘째로, ‘New business opportunity’ 누구보다 먼저 접할 있습니다.


&Beyond B2C 영역에서의 기회를 발굴, 검토, 투자하는 investment platform 역할을 합니다. 규모화된 기업에서는 접하기 어려운 new business opportunity global new trend 누구보다 먼저 접할 있고, 이러한 사업기회를 해석, 판단 투자하는 과정에 대한 professional approach 경험할 있습니다. 새로운 시장 기회를 실현시키는 과정에 대해 갈증이 있던 분이라면, 이러한 갈증을 해소시킬 있을 것입니다.


마지막으로, ‘실제 business impact 통한 보람 느끼실 있습니다.


&Beyond 투자 영역은 B2C 영역으로, 본인이 참여한 업무가 시장에서 즉각적인 결과로 나타나는 경험을 하실 있습니다. 많은 경우, 업무와 실생활에서의 impact 직접 연관되지 못하는 경우가 많습니다. &Beyond에서의 internship 기회는 실질적인 impact 추구하는 분들에게 충분한 기회를 제공해 드릴 것입니다.


&Beyond career 대한 열정과 도전의식을 가진 훌륭한 여러분들의 지원을 기다리고 있겠습니다.


아래 회사의 소개와 모집요강을 참고하셔서 venture capital / private equity / entrepreneurship 관심 있는 학생들의 적극적인 지원 바랍니다.



&Beyond is looking for friendly, energetic and motivated people to join our team as interns.  If you have an interest in venture capital / private equity type investing and entrepreneurship, and desire to work in a professional setting with experienced people from diverse backgrounds in a relaxed and challenging environment, please contact us!


About &Beyond
AndBeyond Co., Ltd. (“&Beyond”) is an enterprise building & investment firm based in Korea with offices in Seoul and New York.  &Beyond is led by the former head of the Private Equity Group and senior partner at Bain & Company NYC.  The firm is young, but we already have several senior-level employees who all have experience working at leading global institutions such as Bain, Google, various start-up companies and private equity funds in their career.  &Beyond looks to invest and create businesses that are focused in the B2C area, primarily in 5 different sectors as follows:  fashion & retail, health & beauty, food, restaurants & hospitality, education and media & entertainment.

Primary Responsibilities
Our interns work closely with our investment professionals and are provided a lot of responsibility; and will have a unique opportunity to meet entrepreneurs and experts from a variety of industries.  Typical duties include the following:  sector screening, business model benchmarking, industry research, financial analysis, etc.


Qualifications (not required, but preferred)

·         Ability to work with diverse individuals in a team setting

·         Passion for investment or entrepreneurship

·         History of outstanding academic achievement

·         Strong problem solving and analytical skills (including the ability to think “outside-the-box”)

·         Ability to handle multiple assignments effectively

·         Internship experience at private equity, venture capital, investment banking or consulting firms

·         Fluency in Korean and English (reading, writing and speaking)

·         Familiarity with Excel, Word and PowerPoint



Start Date:               As soon as possible

Duration:                Minimum 3 months (longer periods to be discussed)  

Location:                Hannam-dong, Seoul, Korea

Training:                 Provide in-house training in areas such as career planning, hypothesis driven problem solving, PowerPoint, basic finance, financial statement overview, basic valuation


Application Process

Applicants should send a 1-page English language resume in PDF format to recruiting@andbeyond.net

Please indicate internship duration availability when submitting your resume.  There is no application deadline and we are hiring on a rolling basis.


Interviews will be held for selected candidates.


Thank you!


Da-Hye Kim, Human Resources Manager

Tel: +82(0)10.4912.1618.

Email: dahye.kim@andbeyond.net

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